Collaboration in a Distributed Workplace: Tools and Techniques of Top Performing Teams


Collaboration in a Distributed Workplace: Tools and Techniques of Top Performing Teams

In 25 years in the workplace, I have never met a CEO who wasn't interested in deeper, better, more efficient, more productive collaboration, and yet the companies that invest in the art of collaboration -- not just the the toolset -- are few and far between.

In this session, Jonathan Phillips will look at what you need to drive effective collaboration through three distinct lenses:

  • Collaboration Motives: What motivates an employee to collaborate and how can we amplify that?
  • Collaboration Means: Motive established, what tools help drive collaboration?
  • Collaboration Opportunity: Means and motive established, how can we create the right workplace moments to enable collaboration?

Drawing on his 25 years in communication and collaboration roles at Coca-Cola, Government, banking and more, Jonathan will share his tips to driving collaboration in your organisation.