Beyond Compliance: Maximizing Efficiency in Healthcare Workforce Management

How can healthcare organizations take advantage of technology to make smarter scheduling decisions and improve the employee experience?

— Live on Thursday, May 23 at 9am PT / 12pm ET —

Beyond Compliance: Maximizing Efficiency in Healthcare Workforce Management

Healthcare organizations must maintain a laser-like focus on factors like compliance and quality of care to remain efficient. As all-consuming as this can be, recent years have also brought to surface another vital healthcare imperative: workforce management.

Without the right staffing and scheduling structures in place, healthcare organizations risk negative outcomes like staff burnout and high turnover — both of which can impact the quality of care that patients receive.

By the end of the webinar, you will:

  • See how healthcare organizations have been tasked with maintaining strict compliance standards, all while having to spend too much time on tasks related workforce management and keeping employees engaged.
  • Learn how the overuse of manual workforce management processes has deterred healthcare organizations from fully utilizing workforce management tools.
  • Understand how vital it is for healthcare organizations to successfully address staffing and scheduling challenges.
  • Discover how an effective workforce management analytics function can transform an organization's ability to use technology solutions to their full advantage.

Meet our experts:

Brianna Zink, Senior Director of Product Strategy at Infor
Sarah Kimmel, Vice President of Research at CMSWire

Register today and take the first step towards a more efficient and effective healthcare workforce. Let's empower your team and elevate patient care together!